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Tony Casas

Leadership Speaker,

Coach, Teacher and Trainer 

John Maxwell Certified

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Welcome to CAMBIO!  Our name comes from the Spanish word for change (pronounced kam-bee-oh) and is central to who we are and what we do.  You've heard it said that the only constant is change and how true that is.  It has also been said that while change is constant, growth is optional...and unfortunately, many people find themselves on the wrong side of change causing them to stop growing.  Thankfully, we can change that together because there is hope and there is help.  I'm glad you're here and it's time for positive CAMBIO in your, let's get started creating the change you desire!  

Leadership development is my life-long passion.  I've been fortunate to initiate and influence change in the corporate sector, non-profit organizations and churches over the last 25 years.  My experience in these three areas has taught me that in order to maximize success, it is imperative to prioritize personal growth, intentional leadership development and creating change. Let's work together to increase the depth of your impact in these areas by implementing:

*Personal Growth: Individual Growth Plan, Vision & Values

*Intentional Leadership Development: Strategic Mission, Purpose & Principles

*Creating Change: Corporate/Organizational Culture, Systems & Structures

As a John Maxwell Certified Leadership Speaker, Coach, Teacher and Trainer, I provide  workshops, seminars, keynote speaking, and coaching, aiding your personal and professional growth through study and practical application of proven leadership methods and resources. Working together, I will move you and/or your team or organization in the desired direction to reach your goals.

Contact Me.  I am looking forward to assisting you on your journey to becoming a successful and growing leader.

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